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Frequently Asked Questions
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Private phone number FAQs
What is CoverMe?
What is CoverMe phone number?
What can I do with CoverMe phone number?
Do I permanently own my CoverMe phone numbers?
Can I forwards calls to my own phone number?
Can I setup voicemail for CoverMe phone numbers?
Are calls and texts through CoverMe phone numbers secure?
Messaging FAQs
What is self-destructing message?
Why is CoverMe text SMS far more secure than regular text SMS?
Is a Self-destructing “Delete on Read/View” message deleted immediately after the message is read?
Can I send messages to friends who do not have CoverMe?
Circle FAQs
What is a CoverMe circle?
What can I do with a circle?
What is the difference between a circle broadcast message and circle group chat in a circle?
Calling FAQs
Can I call friend who does not have CoverMe?
How is a CoverMe phone call so much more secure than a regular cell phone?
Privacy protection FAQs
How does CoverMe protect my private information?
How are my contacts kept private?
What encryption algorithms are used in CoverMe?
Does CoverMe upload my address book to CoverMe server?
Passwords FAQs
How do I change my password?
Can I recover either of my passwords if I forget them?
How do I delete a password?